The Scene class includes properties for identifying the name, labels, and number of frames in a scene. A Scene object instance is created in Adobe Animate (formerly Adobe Flash Professional), not by writing ActionScript code. The MovieClip class includes a currentScene property, which is a Scene object that identifies the scene in which the playhead is located in the timeline of the MovieClip instance. The scenes property of the MovieClip class is an array of Scene objects. Also, the gotoAndPlay() and gotoAndStop() methods of the MovieClip class use Scene objects as parameters.

See also:


new(name:String, labels:Array<FrameLabel>, numFrames:Int)


read onlylabels:Array<FrameLabel>

An array of FrameLabel objects for the scene. Each FrameLabel object contains a frame property, which specifies the frame number corresponding to the label, and a name property.

See also:

  • openfl.display.FrameLabel

read onlyname:String

The name of the scene.

read onlynumFrames:Int

The number of frames in the scene.