The PrintJobOptions class contains properties to use with the options parameter of the PrintJob.addPage() method. For more information about addPage(), see the PrintJob class.


@:value({ printAsBitmap : false })new(printAsBitmap:Bool = false)

Creates a new PrintJobOptions object. Pass this object to the options parameter of the PrintJob.addPage() method.



If true, this object is printed as a bitmap. If false, this object is printed as a vector. If the content that you're printing includes a bitmap image, set the printAsBitmap property to true to include any alpha transparency and color effects. If the content does not include bitmap images, omit this parameter to print the content in higher quality vector format (the default option).

_Note:_Adobe AIR does not support vector printing on Mac OS.



Specifies whether the content in the print job is printed as a bitmap or as a vector. The default value is false, for vector printing. If the content that you're printing includes a bitmap image, set printAsBitmap to true to include any alpha transparency and color effects. If the content does not include bitmap images, print the content in higher quality vector format (the default option).

For example, to print your content as a bitmap, use the following syntax:

var options = new PrintJobOptions();
options.printAsBitmap = true;
myPrintJob.addPage(mySprite, null, options);

Note: Adobe AIR does not support vector printing on Mac OS.