The NativeWindowType class defines constants for the type property of the NativeWindowInitOptions object used to create a native window.

Note: The type value is specified when a window is created and cannot be changed.

See also:


@:value(cast 0)@:impl@:enuminlineread onlyLIGHTWEIGHT:NativeWindowType = 0

A minimal window. Lightweight windows cannot have system chrome and do not appear on the Windows or Linux task bar. In addition, lightweight windows do not have the System (Alt-Space) menu on Windows. Lightweight windows are suitable for notification bubbles and controls such as combo-boxes that open a short-lived display area. When the lightweight type is used, systemChrome must be set to NativeWindowSystemChrome.NONE.

@:value(cast 1)@:impl@:enuminlineread onlyNORMAL:NativeWindowType = 1

A typical window. Normal windows use full-size chrome and appear on the Windows or Linux task bar.

@:value(cast 2)@:impl@:enuminlineread onlyUTILITY:NativeWindowType = 2

A utility window. Utility windows use a slimmer version of the system chrome and do not appear on the Windows task bar.