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enum abstract DisplacementMapFilterMode(String)
package openfl.filters
from String to String
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The DisplacementMapFilterMode class provides values for the mode property of the DisplacementMapFilter class.
inlineread onlyCLAMP:DisplacementMapFilterMode = "clamp"
Clamps the displacement value to the edge of the source image.
inlineread onlyCOLOR:DisplacementMapFilterMode = "color"
If the displacement value is outside the image, substitutes the values in the color and alpha properties.
inlineread onlyIGNORE:DisplacementMapFilterMode = "ignore"
If the displacement value is out of range, ignores the displacement and uses the source pixel.
inlineread onlyWRAP:DisplacementMapFilterMode = "wrap"
Wraps the displacement value to the other side of the source image.