The AntiAliasType class provides values for anti-aliasing in the openfl.text.TextField class.


@:value(cast 0)@:impl@:enuminlineread onlyADVANCED:AntiAliasType = 0

Sets anti-aliasing to advanced anti-aliasing. Advanced anti-aliasing allows font faces to be rendered at very high quality at small sizes. It is best used with applications that have a lot of small text. Advanced anti-aliasing is not recommended for very large fonts (larger than 48 points). This constant is used for the antiAliasType property in the TextField class. Use the syntax AntiAliasType.ADVANCED.

@:value(cast 1)@:impl@:enuminlineread onlyNORMAL:AntiAliasType = 1

Sets anti-aliasing to the anti-aliasing that is used in Flash Player 7 and earlier. This setting is recommended for applications that do not have a lot of text. This constant is used for the antiAliasType property in the TextField class. Use the syntax AntiAliasType.NORMAL.