The GridFitType class defines values for grid fitting in the TextField class.


@:value(cast 0)@:impl@:enuminlineread onlyNONE:GridFitType = 0

Doesn't set grid fitting. Horizontal and vertical lines in the glyphs are not forced to the pixel grid. This constant is used in setting the gridFitType property of the TextField class. This is often a good setting for animation or for large font sizes. Use the syntax GridFitType.NONE.

@:value(cast 1)@:impl@:enuminlineread onlyPIXEL:GridFitType = 1

Fits strong horizontal and vertical lines to the pixel grid. This constant is used in setting the gridFitType property of the TextField class. This setting only works for left-justified text fields and acts like the GridFitType.SUBPIXEL constant in static text. This setting generally provides the best readability for left-aligned text. Use the syntax GridFitType.PIXEL.

@:value(cast 2)@:impl@:enuminlineread onlySUBPIXEL:GridFitType = 2

Fits strong horizontal and vertical lines to the sub-pixel grid on LCD monitors. (Red, green, and blue are actual pixels on an LCD screen.) This is often a good setting for right-aligned or center-aligned dynamic text, and it is sometimes a useful tradeoff for animation vs. text quality. This constant is used in setting the gridFitType property of the TextField class. Use the syntax GridFitType.SUBPIXEL.