Defines the values to use for specifying path-drawing commands.

The values in this class are used by the Graphics.drawPath() method, or stored in the commands vector of a GraphicsPath object.


@:value(cast 6)@:impl@:enuminlineread onlyCUBIC_CURVE_TO:GraphicsPathCommand = 6

Specifies a drawing command that draws a curve from the current drawing position to the x- and y-coordinates specified in the data vector, using a 2 control points.

@:value(cast 3)@:impl@:enuminlineread onlyCURVE_TO:GraphicsPathCommand = 3

Specifies a drawing command that draws a curve from the current drawing position to the x- and y-coordinates specified in the data vector, using a control point. This command produces the same effect as the Graphics.lineTo() method, and uses two points in the data vector control and anchor: (cx, cy, ax, ay).

@:value(cast 2)@:impl@:enuminlineread onlyLINE_TO:GraphicsPathCommand = 2

Specifies a drawing command that draws a line from the current drawing position to the x- and y-coordinates specified in the data vector. This command produces the same effect as the Graphics.lineTo() method, and uses one point in the data vector: (x,y).

@:value(cast 1)@:impl@:enuminlineread onlyMOVE_TO:GraphicsPathCommand = 1

Specifies a drawing command that moves the current drawing position to the x- and y-coordinates specified in the data vector. This command produces the same effect as the Graphics.moveTo() method, and uses one point in the data vector: (x,y).

@:value(cast 0)@:impl@:enuminlineread onlyNO_OP:GraphicsPathCommand = 0

Represents the default "do nothing" command.

@:value(cast 5)@:impl@:enuminlineread onlyWIDE_LINE_TO:GraphicsPathCommand = 5

Specifies a "line to" drawing command, but uses two sets of coordinates (four values) instead of one set. This command allows you to switch between "line to" and "curve to" commands without changing the number of data values used per command. This command uses two sets in the data vector: one dummy location and one (x,y) location.

The WIDE_LINE_TO and WIDE_MOVE_TO command variants consume the same number of parameters as does the CURVE_TO command.

@:value(cast 4)@:impl@:enuminlineread onlyWIDE_MOVE_TO:GraphicsPathCommand = 4

Specifies a "move to" drawing command, but uses two sets of coordinates (four values) instead of one set. This command allows you to switch between "move to" and "curve to" commands without changing the number of data values used per command. This command uses two sets in the data vector: one dummy location and one (x,y) location.

The WIDE_LINE_TO and WIDE_MOVE_TO command variants consume the same number of parameters as does the CURVE_TO command.