The MouseCursor class is an enumeration of constant values used in setting the cursor property of the Mouse class.


@:value(cast "arrow")@:impl@:enuminlineread onlyARROW:MouseCursor = "arrow"

Used to specify that the arrow cursor should be used.

@:value(cast "auto")@:impl@:enuminlineread onlyAUTO:MouseCursor = "auto"

Used to specify that the cursor should be selected automatically based on the object under the mouse.

@:value(cast "button")@:impl@:enuminlineread onlyBUTTON:MouseCursor = "button"

Used to specify that the button pressing hand cursor should be used.

@:value(cast "hand")@:impl@:enuminlineread onlyHAND:MouseCursor = "hand"

Used to specify that the dragging hand cursor should be used.

@:value(cast "ibeam")@:impl@:enuminlineread onlyIBEAM:MouseCursor = "ibeam"

Used to specify that the I-beam cursor should be used.